The filing status is listed as Admin Dissolved 07 Aug 2012. This large, deep-rooted tree grows in washes, canyons, and bottomlands … They produce vibrant red flowers that gradually transform into fluffy seeds with a cotton-like covering. Narrowleaf cottonwoods have little commercial importance as their wood is often affected by canker (a fungal disease that damages the bark) and is susceptible to decay. This species adapts to most soil types and is overall a very low-maintenance tree. These trees are deciduous, which means that they shed their leaves occasionally and become dormant thereafter. Cottonwood trees have long triangular-shaped leaves that measure up to 6 inches each and with a growth rate of almost 6 feet every year, they can easily reach heights of 40 meters (approx 130 feet) or more when completely matured. Yes. Fremont Cottonwood (Populus fremontii ssp. These are reddish-purple in color and eventually burst open to release several small seeds that contain cottony strands to help them disperse through the wind. Fremont Cottonwood Populus fremontii Very large historic broad-leafed deciduous tree that thrives along water courses. Young bark is smooth and thin. From the roots and trunks to the leaves and fruits, the locals used different parts of these trees for various purposes to satisfy different needs. FREMONT’S COTTONWOOD Populus fremontii S. Wats. Herbalists also use the buds and bark of cottonwood to treat aches and pains, skin health and other uses. 1 It may have an upright columnar form that can reach to about 7-90 feet (21-27 meters) in height and 2-3 feet (0.6 … The name comes from the fact that their seeds are produced from a fluffy white cotton-looking covering. The enormous, deep-reaching roots of cottonwoods hold the soil in place, making it perfect for reducing soil erosion as well as slowing down floodwater runoff. In regions such as California and New Mexico, you can see Fremont’s cottonwoods standing proudly be it near houses with spacious front/ backyards or even on various restoration sites. With slender branches laden with thin, narrow leaves, this species foliage grows in an overall vase-like style that lends the tree a very graceful look. Cottonwoods provide important habitat for wildlife, including foraging and nesting habitat for songbirds and perching sites for raptors. Family: Salicaceae or Willow (Poplar) Leaves: Deltoid to kidney-shaped; 3" to 6" long, 4" to 5" wide; deciduous; rounded teeth on margin; pointed, short apex; glabrous; turn bright gold in fall; petiole 1-1/2" to 3" long, flattened laterally, causing leaf to flutter in the wind. It is a Fremont cottonwood. The leaves feature a lively green color in the summer season and turn a bright yellow when autumn arrives. The Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii), also commonly known as the western or Gila cottonwood, grows across U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. Hence, it is commonly called the Chinese necklace poplar as well. This is because these trees not only look beautiful but also provide great shade. In Texas, the Fremont cottonwood-Goodding willow (Salix gooddingii) Series is listed as "very rare and local throughout range or found locally in restricted range, 21 to 100 occurrences (threatened throughout range)" and "rare or … Lanceleaf is a hybrid variety (populus x acuminata). The species is called ‘deltoides’ due to the triangular-shaped leaves that resemble the Greek alphabet, delta. Cottonwoods trees have distinct male and female species and the ability to produce seeds is limited to the females only. This type of cottonwood originates from the southwestern US and is highly prevalent in states such as Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, and Texas to name a few. During early spring, the female species produce sleek and slender, cylindrical flowers called catkins. For example, the Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) is native to the southwestern United States but also is hardy in other areas within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. About Cottonwood Place. From the gigantic cottonwood trees, the early communities found food for their livestock and timber for their dwellings. A few years ago, Fremont’s cottonwood was believed to be the same as the eastern cottonwood but later studies found them to be two different species. It is a riparian zone tree which means it is mostly found in areas that form the interface between land and water bodies such as rivers or streams. The 3701 Peralta Blvd location in Fremont's 94536 area has so much to offer its residents. Look to Native Species When Plotting Out Your Garden. However, in modern day society, the use of cottonwoods has shifted mostly towards manufacturing things like paper, crates, boxes, matchsticks, and plywood. Of all the different types of cottonwoods, Fremont’s variety is the most common for ornamental purposes. During the tough years living in wild prairie plains where trees were a rarity, Native Americans derived great benefits from the cottonwood trees that would grow in the harsh conditions nonetheless. Fremont cottonwood is a flood-dependent species. The roots served as a food source for both, animals and humans whereas the bark was used as food for horses and for making medicinal mixtures for the tribesmen. Rio Grande cottonwoods (Populous deltoides wislizeni) occur in Texas, Colorado and New Mexico. In the desert, it needs weekly watering during hot weather if roots cannot tap the water table. As seedlings and young trees, cottonwood grow in dense bands along river banks; as they mature, they thin themselves out, eventually creating “gallery forests” of widely spaced trees with a high canopy and an open understory. Now that you know how to identify different types of cottonwood trees, try counting them the next time you go on a drive or hike in the wilds. Prized for their fast growth and adaptability to different soils and climatic conditions, cottonwood trees have long been an age-old friend to the Americans. Plant cottonwoods only if your house has a large expanse of outdoor land for maximum effect. This makes it suitable for manufacturing cheap but sufficiently strong items such as shipping crates and pallet boxes. These trees are hardy from zone 2 to 9 and are a common sight in New York, occurring all the way to Minnesota and areas near the Gulf of Mexico. With the visual appeal that they add, it is no surprise that different species of cottonwoods, as well as their cultivars and hybrids, are often planted by homeowners with a large expanse of land or a vast area dedicated for gardening. Mature trees develop a pyramidal shape with thick green foliage that turns into bright yellow as autumn arrives. Other common names for populous heterophylla include downy poplar, river cottonwood and swamp poplar. During summer season, the male tree displays a thick and dense cover of lush greens whereas the female flowers excessively until the branches are heavily laden with soft white cottony buds. Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) — grows from California east to Utah and Arizona and south into northwest Mexico. Quick fact: A single eastern cottonwood tree can release over 40 million seeds in a season and if conditions are ideal, has the potential to live almost 300 years! Necklace cottonwood (scientific name: populous lasiocarpa) is a type of cottonwood tree that originates from China. Females can produce considerable amount of cottony-seeds. Native to North America, the eastern cottonwood got its name due to its huge popularity in the eastern states but it also grows throughout the central and southwestern states as well. Fremont's cottonwood is a native tree growing in riparian areas near streams, rivers and wetlands in the American Southwest. The canopy spreads to cover an area of almost 75 feet in width whereas the diameter of the trunk itself can expand to over 6 feet when full-grown. The tree is best known for its shade and gently whispering leaves in hot summer days and for its impressive fall color. This type of cottonwood originates from the southwestern US and is highly prevalent in states such as Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, and Texas to name a few. Come see Cottonwood Place … Identification: Habit: Populus fremontii is a deciduous tree that has an open habit with thick, broadly spread branches. Eastern Redbud Growing Tips. Plant Symbol = POFR2 Contributed by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center & USDA NRCS Los Lunas Plant Materials Center Alternate Names poplar, Alamo cottonwood Uses Ecological diversity, bank and sediment stabilization, maintenance of channel morphology, … Dugout canoes were produced from the trunks while the trees themselves doubled as landmarks and trail markers for the natives and travelers alike. Cottonwood trees get their name from the fluffy cotton-like seeds produced by the female tree. Fremont cottonwood Populus fremontii, a dicot, is a tree that is native to California, is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America. The Black Cottonwood, Populus balsamifera, grows mostly west of the Rocky Mountains and is the largest Western cottonwood. This Fremont Cottonwood is the largest specimen of Fremont Cottonwood, which also makes it the largest flowering plant in the United States. Branches are usually thick and long. Populus nigra, which usually goes by the name of black cottonwood or black poplar, is a large deciduous tree. Fremont Cottonwood (Populus fremontii). Cottonwood is used to make storage boxes and crates, paper, matchsticks, and plywood. Identification of Fremont’s cottonwood trees is by their cordate shape leaves (heart-shape), coarsely serrated edges, and elongated smooth-edged tip. Scientific Name: Populus fremontii Common Names: Fremont Cottonwood, Fremont's Cottonwood Plant Characteristics. These trees can reach impressive heights in only a couple of years whereas their trunks can expand to over 4 feet in diameter. Plus, the edges of Fremont’s leaves are less serrated. Plains cottonwoods (Populous deltoides monilifera) are found in Nebraska, Kansas, and Wyoming. Its leaves have fine teethed corners and can be triangular in shape or sometimes also come close to resembling a diamond shape. Their incredible growth rate coupled with low-maintenance needs makes them ideal for creating an urban jungle. Black poplar is a dioecious species which means that male and female trees are different from each other. Like all other cottonwoods, this variety is also dioecious, which means that male and female catkins or flowers grow on separate trees. Hibiscus tiliaceus is a species of flowering tree in the mallow family, Malvaceae, that is native to the Old World tropics. Pests and Pathogens from Calinvasives Plant Distribution. • Usually occurs with coyote willow. The Fremont Cottonwood can be found throughout the southwestern United States and into northern Mexico while the Black Poplar is native to Europe and western Asia. Eastern cottonwoods are often divided into further subspecies based on the location where they are found. Since the wood is weak, branches routinely break off, and foliage is uneven. Cottonwood trees are commonly used as street trees in various parts of the world given that the environmental conditions are suitable for their growth. Make a visit to check out the current floorplan options. Flower: Species is dioecious; males and females as hanging catkins, 2 to 4 inches long, yellow … Meet a new place to live at Cottonwood Place in Fremont, CA. It is a riparian zone tree. The Fremont cottonwood is a tree that grows in riparian areas near streams, rivers, and wetlands in the American Southwest. Fremont's cottonwood trees range from 12 to 35 meters in height, and trunk diameter ranges from 0.30 to 1.5 meters. 83 The pale grayish bark is smooth in young trees, becoming darker and deeply furrowed as the tree ages. From lush green to pale yellow followed by bright orange and sometimes even intense red, these cottonwoods are a sight to behold. This refers to trees that belong to the genus Populus, section Aigeiros. Native to various parts of North America and western Asia, cottonwoods share many similarities with other poplars such as aspens and balsams. Wildlife: Horses gnaw the sweetish bark, beavers feed on the bark and build dams with the branches. The eastern cottonwood is without a doubt, one of the largest hardwood trees found in North America. Family: Salicaceae. Black cottonwood tree features a conical shape and looks simply spectacular standing upright in all its green glory. Do your research and you'll wind up with a garden to love. Aigeiros. Populus angustifolia, whose common names include the narrowleaf cottonwood, narrowleaf balsam poplar and willow-leaved cottonwood, is a hybrid variety that can grow up to 70 feet tall. The leaves of this cottonwood variety look like a lance-like form, which is where the species got its name from. Broadleaf deciduous tree, fast growing to 40-60 ft (12-18 m), may reach 100 ft (30 m), broad, rounded or cylindrical crown, bark is smooth on the trunk and branches of young trees, but becomes deeply furrowed at maturity. Western Cottonwood Tree Identification Also known as Fremont cottonwood or Rio Grande cottonwood, this tree is commonly found near water bodies of arid regions. Next Up. Fremont cottonwood is a fast-growing winter-deciduous tree that may reach 60 feet (20 m) or more. During March and April, the trees produce fluffy catkin flowers that look like elongated strips of hanging cotton from afar. Common Name: COTTONWOOD Habit: Tree.Stem: 40 m; young bark smooth, pale yellow-green to gray; older bark furrowed, brown to gray; twigs with swellings below leaf scars; winter bud generally resinous, scales > 3.Leaf: juvenile, adult, late-season leaves may differ in size, shape, hairiness; generally glabrous; blade 3--11 cm, … The Fremont Cottonwood, also known as the Western Cottonwood or the Rio Grande Cottonwood, Populus fremontii, occurs in California east to Utah and Arizona and south into northwest Mexico. As the tree ages, the bark becomes deeply furrowed with cracks. The tallest monilifera in the US (112 feet) is found in Ravalili County, Montana. However, they are ideal for use as shade trees or ornamental trees on large plantations. You will also find them in playgrounds and on similar recreation sites owing to the fact that they provide good shade and shelter. It is the largest known tree of its species … Learn all about this valuable species and the different types of cottonwood trees in the article below. Query: SELECT * FROM img WHERE ready=1 and taxon = "Populus fremontii" ORDER BY taxon Click on the thumbnail to see an enlargement Common Name: Fremont Cottonwood. Fremont cottonwood Salicaceae Populus fremontii S. Watson symbol: POFR2 Leaf: Alternate, simple, broadly cordate to triangular, coarsely crenate, 2 to 4 inches long, petiole flattened, shiny green above, sometimes pubescent beneath. When the tree is young, the bark, branches, and twigs are smooth. Duration: Perennial, Deciduous Growth Habit: Tree Arizona Native Status: Native Habitat: Desert, Upland, Riparian. The Eastern Cottonwood, Populus deltoides, is one of the largest North American hardwood trees, although the wood is rather soft. It is one of three species in Populus sect. If you ever go hiking in the Rocky Mountains, take a good look of your surroundings and you will see several black poplars gracing the place. fremontii" ORDER BY taxon Click on the thumbnail to see an enlargement Fremont’s Cottonwood (Populus Fremontii). He is a member of the Society of American Foresters. It occurs throughout the eastern United States and just into southern Canada. Cottonwoods trees play a very important role in maintaining the harmony and balance in natural wildlife and are a familiar sight along rivers, lakes, and streams. Although cottonwood trees are really attractive and add to the appeal of their surroundings, their immense size makes them unsuitable for small yards. Besides sustaining equilibrium in the ecological systems, these grandiose greens are also grown for shelter, shade, wood, fuel and several other purposes in addition to also serving as truly attractive ornamental plants. Steve Nix is a natural resources consultant and a former forest resources analyst for the state of Alabama. The narrowleaf cottonwood (Populus angustifolia) is hardy in USDA zones 6 through 9 and is a native of California and Mexico while the eastern c… Although some characteristics such as high growth are common across all the varieties, they differ in other ways that include the color of leaves, soil preferences and so on. The national champion is located in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Twigs/buds: Twigs … Observation Search (3160 records) Plant Characteristics. In less than a decade, a cottonwood tree can yield a large amount of wood that can hardly be obtained from any other source in the same time period. Perfect for everyone from young students to professional arborists. The leaves are triangular with long petioles (leaf stalk). Fremont cottonwood grows only on wet soil and is an indicator of permanent water and shade. Scientific Name: Populus fremontii. The tree was named after 19th century American explorer and pathfinder John C. Frémont. Mature trees have bark that is thick, grayish-brown, and deeply furrowed with scaly ridges. We also include the uses as well as lots of other information that will help you appreciate what a marvel these trees truly are. Narrowleaf Cottonwood (Populus angustifolia) Narrowleaf cottonwood trees … With a giant trunk and branches laden with brightly colored leaves, the thick foliage of these trees forms a dense canopy that spreads into an open crown. This type of cottonwood tree is native to Europe but has spread to various other parts of the world including Asia, Africa and different areas in the US, particularly those in the west. Cottonwoods and other riparian species … Named after an American explorer in 19th Century, Fremont’s Cottonwood is sometimes also called Alamo Cottonwood. It is a large tree growing from 12-35 meters in height, with a trunk up to 1.5 meter diameter. In old times, the people of the Great Plains often enjoyed the buds of this cottonwood variety as a sort of chewing gum. Their lowest branches may not be reachable, and if they are not surrounded by other trees or buildings they are often spread out as wide as they are tall. Lanceleaf trees are hardy in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 9 as they prefer full exposure to sunlight. And twigs are smooth identify an eastern cottonwood is a hybrid variety ( Populus ssp! Up to 1.5 meters west of the Rocky Mountains and is overall a very gentle breeze self-disperse with objective... And aspens: Horses gnaw the sweetish bark, branches, and twigs are.... Habitat for wildlife, including foraging and nesting habitat for wildlife, including foraging nesting. Feet ) is found in Nebraska, Kansas, and trunk diameter ranges from to... People of the best, pocket-sized tree identification manuals pocket-sized tree identification manuals and trunk diameter ranges from 0.30 1.5! 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