Most gardeners pinch off the non-spectacular flower spikes to help keep plants bushy and vigorous. … Coleus is ideal for anyone who wants color in a hurry – in the garden, around the patio or as an indoor plant. Sure, why not? Coleus Care Guide Light. There’s no need to wait for flowers; the leaf color of the foliage is the coleus plant calling card. However, being a warm weather loving plant, it will not survive a harsh, cold winter. You can actually revive the plant by cutting away the clearly dead portion of the plant, and then plopping the plant into a new pot. Coleus as an indoor plant performs best in temperatures between 60 and 75 F. (16-24 C). This causes a stunting of the plant’s growth and can kill the plant if left untreated. Read on to find out just how easy it is. How to Grow and Care for Coleus in Containers. Care for Coleus Plant. Coleus is such an easy care, hardy plant and has many amazing qualities to enjoy. Once you begin growing coleus as an indoor plant, its continued care is important in keeping the plant healthy. Coleus plants are truly in their glory in masses—with vibrant foliage available in many shades of green, purple, maroon, orange, red, pink, yellow, and in a striking array of patterns and leaf sizes. When growing a coleus indoors, keep the soil evenly moist, watering the plant whenever the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Place the pot on a tray with a layer of wet pebbles if the air in your home is dry. Feed the plant once every week or two during spring and summer, using a water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half-strength. Coleus has beautiful leaves making the awesome plants because you don’t have to wait for them to flower, they can beautify any space with their leaves alone. If foliage color fades, the plant is probably receiving too much sunlight. Coleus Care. Pinch the tips of the plant frequently to keep it bushy. Black Dragon Coleus is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor containers and hanging baskets. A coleus plant is hardy, able to survive in both a container indoors and in the soil outside. Coleus grown from cuttings will be identical to the parent plant, but plants grown from seed will be variable and might be quite different from the parent. This causes a stunting of the plant’s growth and can kill the plant if left untreated. Height: 20 to 80 inches (50 to 200 cm). Coleus Plant Care Coleus plants are very popular for container gardening and hanging baskets both outdoors, or as indoor houseplants. Curling leaves is a sign that something is not quite right with your plant and you should look closely for any problems. Make sure your pot is large enough to comfortably accommodate your coleus. Coleus іѕ a tоugh аnd аttrасtіvе plant thаt іѕ available іn a wide rаngе of ѕіzеѕ аnd colors. Coleus likes fertile and well-draining soil. If you are wanting to use coleus in the garden next year, consider taking several cuttings to grow indoors during the winter, then replanting them in the garden during the spring (see propagation tips below). Set plants out after all danger of frost is past. Coleus as an indoor plant performs best in temperatures between 60 and 75 F. (16-24 C). Container plants also require more frequent watering than those grown in the garden. With the proper care, a coleus plant in a large container can grow up to 3 ft. (0.9 m) tall. Coleus plant care and propagation steps are easy. Coleus plant care requires moist soil but avoid over-watering to prevent soggy soil Coleus is a thirsty plant and needs regular watering to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Coleus Growing and Care Guide. When the weather begins to turn cold you will need to take some precautions to ensure a healthy coleus in the spring. On the other hand, short periods of drought will slow down the growth and its leaves will turn brown around the edges. The flower spikes should be picked out before they grow too long. Coleus plants are known for their colorful, variegated leaves and can be excellent additions to an indoor or outdoor garden. Coleus branches break easily. If it stays dry, the coleus leaf may fall from the plant. Regular pruning can help control height and, at the same time, promote a fuller, bushy appearance. Surprisingly, they are members of the Lamiaceae, or mint family; and, like peppermint, their leaves are sometimes used for medicinal purposes (though they are not particularly tasty). Its much variety does survive well in partial shade and shade type. Coleus doesn’t need to be fertilised. Learn how to grow and care for them in this comprehensive guide. A person who wishes to start out gardening indoors will find a coleus plant a good choice. There’s no need to wait for flowers; the leaf color of the foliage is the coleus plant calling card. Coleus Care. The energy of flowering usually saps the plant of some vitality, which is why many growers pinch off flowers. Many varieties, however, thrive indoors in pots under the right conditions. Plant coleus close together as bedding plants or tuck them into baskets and containers for a fast growing and spectacular addition. Too much moisture around the roots may flatten your Coleus plant, resulting in root rot and irreversible damage. Caring for the plants is pretty easy once you set them up in a good spot. If the plant starts to lose its leaves, the environment is probably too dark or cold. Sure, why not? Coleus roots easily enough for it to be started in a glass of water without any problems. In colder zones, container plants are sometimes moved indoors to overwinter. The bloom is rather insignificant and causes the plant to look leggy. What’s the best tip for growing coleus indoors? Coleus plant care and propagation is relatively easy compared to other plants. Older coleus varieties may only thrive in a shaded spot, however, and can experience unsightly sunburn (bleaching of the leaf colors) when grown in all-day sun. Most gardeners don’t want coleus to bloom unless it’s for seed production. Coleus likes bright light, but be careful of intense sunlight. Start with a beautiful, healthy coleus plant and care for it properly, and you will be rewarded for your efforts with a magnificent house plant. The unique colour patterns of the leaves excite many gardeners. With just a few simple hints, anyone can grow this ornamental! If using as bedding plants, you could transfer to pots and move to a sheltered indoor area. A person who wishes to start out gardening indoors will find a coleus plant a good choice. In fact, coleus plants respond well to potted environments. It is often used as a 'filler' in the 'spiller-thriller-filler' container combination, providing a canvas of foliage against which the larger thriller plants stand out. The blooms can be trimmed back. They are generally considered as annual plants for no particular reason. They need to be kept moist, especially newly planted coleus. By using The Spruce, you accept our, How to Grow and Care for Polka Dot Plants, 10 Top Outdoor Garden Plants That Thrive Indoors, How to Propagate Plants by Using Cuttings, 15 Red-Flowering Plants to Consider for Your Garden. Debra LaGattuta is a certified master gardener with decades of experience with perennial and flowering plants, container gardening, and raised bed vegetable gardening. Saved by Houseplant 411 Although usually planted outdoors, with proper light and food, a coleus plant can make a great addition to your collection of house plants. As a perennial in zones 10. Common Names: Coleus, Painted Nettle, Flame Nettle. If the plant gets too scraggly, it may be time to start fresh with a new plant. Conclusion. Painted Nettle, Coleus, Solenostemon – How to Grow and Care Plant Care for Kong Coleus. Winter temperatures should be cooler, but don’t expose the plant to temperatures below 50 F. (10 C). Caring for coleus is just as easy. Read on to learn more about growing coleus as an indoor plant. Choose a spot that is protected from wind. Alternatively, you can repot into a pot one size larger. If you choose to grow coleus for more than one season, you might consider trimming the plant back after winter, refreshing the soil, and keeping it in the same pot. Indoor Garden Coleus Collections. Indoor coleus does best under the following conditions: You can propagate coleus by cuttings or by seed. Coleus plant care indoors: Provide bright indirect sunlight, temperatures of 65-75°F, and moderate to high humidity levels. Care for Coleus Plant. Summary of Coleus facts. Jon VanZile is a Master Gardener and the author of "Houseplants for a Healthy Home.". Coleus Care. Sitting directly in a North, East or West facing window will be perfect, you may get away with a South facing window if the sunlight is filtered. Life Cycle: Half hardy perennial usually grown as a half hardy annual by gardeners. They are generally considered as annual plants for no particular reason. #Houseplants #IndoorPlants #Coleus #ColeusPlants #ColeusCare #CareGuide #GrowingColeus #DecorativePlants #OrnamentalPlants #HowToGrowColeus #CaringForColeus Coleus is normally used as an annual bedding plant or in outdoor container gardens and baskets. As a tropical, it is acclimated to having most direct sun blocked by trees up above. Coleus is ideal for anyone who wants color in a hurry – in the garden, around the patio or as an indoor plant. Coleus care is super-easy, and gardeners far and wide love it. Native: Tropical Africa, Asia, Australasia. Winter temperatures should be cooler, but don’t expose the plant to temperatures below 50 F. (10 C). How to Grow and Care for Coleus in Containers. Coleus can be growing outdoors and indoors in pots. However, if the plant is lackluster and drops its leaves, try giving it a little more light. Celosia and Coleus are a very hardy plant and prolific grower, so you should have easy success moving it out of the terrarium into a regular pot. You may need to supplement available light with artificial lights during the winter. Foliage – evergreen Flowering – June to September. … Coleus is also easy to propagate; plants grown from seed will be new creations. COLEUS INDIA FRILLS (solenostemon scutellarioides) Solenostemon scutellarioides (coleus) is a species of flowering tree in the family Lamiaceae, native to south east Asia and Malaysia. Find specific plants with our Plant Finder & Plant Selector. Although it loves warm climates, coleus light requirements are minimal. Coleus plants produce spiked flowers during summer. Coleus plants are well-known for their beautiful and colorful foliage. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. An often overlooked aspect of coleus care is the humidity. Light: Different coleus varieties have varying light needs, so check the plant tag or dig into our Our Favorite Varieties section below.Most newer coleus varieties thrive anywhere from full sun to deep shade. To do so, use blunt tweezers and pull the plant out of the gel by the base. Coleus is simple to care for. In this post I’ll be answering the question, “Can I grow coleus indoors” and offer you some fun facts, tips for care and other helpful hints. Most gardeners don’t want coleus to bloom unless it’s for seed production. You can also start them from seeds indoors two or three weeks before the spring temperatures start climbing. Sоmе varieties grоw аѕ shrubs, mаkіng thеm unѕuіtаblе fоr indoor lосаtіоnѕ. A coleus plant is hardy, able to survive in both a container indoors and in the soil outside. it is a bushy, woody-based evergreen perennial, widely grown for its highly decorative variegated leaves. Plant cuttings in moist potting soil, then keep them moist and warm until the new plants are established. Very tall coleus varieties can be a focal point in the garden or a collection at the back of a planting bed. Find the spot that has the right amount of light. Growing coleus indoors is definitely possible, provided you give it enough moisture, heat, and humidity. For waterings following this, only water once the soil has started to go dry. If you want to promote your plant to produce more foliage and become bushier, you can pinch the shoots. How to Plant an Indoor Coleus Put some potting soil in the planter, put your little seedling in the pot, and cover the roots with potting soil. Coleus plant leaves come in shades of red, green, white and yellow. Click here to learn more about growing coleus as an indoor plant. cuttings taken from a healthy, mature plant. Coleus plants produce spiked flowers during summer. Although coleus is typically grown outdoors as an annual, its vibrant leaves provide many months of enjoyment indoors if growing conditions are just right. Coleus Plant Care. The plant is not only beautiful but also easy to maintain. Coleus can be growing outdoors and indoors in pots. However, being a warm weather loving plant, it will not survive a harsh, cold winter. The members of the coleus genus are hardy and attractive plants available in a wide range of sizes and colors. Jul 23, 2017 - Can I grow coleus indoors? Regular fertilizing is needed every 2 weeks to promote the healthy growth of these plants. Check this post on 30 low maintenance houseplants or this one on 25 flowering indoor plants. If growing solenostemon in pots outdoors, move plants indoors in autumn before the first frosts. If you want to promote your plant to produce more foliage and become bushier, you can pinch the shoots. Very tall coleus varieties can be a focal point in the garden or a collection at the back of a planting bed. Leaf drop is common, if the plants do not get enough sunlight, and especially if they are moved Growing coleus plants indoors isn’t at all difficult but does require a few basic needs when it comes to light and temperature. Warmer zones can grow coleus as garden perennials, where they can grow to resemble small shrubs with thick woody stems. When the weather begins to turn cold you will need to take some precautions to ensure a healthy coleus in the spring. Coleus are perennial plants, they grow year round. Coleus plants need an excellent light source without scorching sun to retain the markings and because the leaf markings are the sole point to this attractive plant, it's essential that you get the light requirements correct. By: Mary H. Dyer, Credentialed Garden Writer. Regular fertilizing is needed every 2 weeks to promote the healthy growth of these plants. Step 1 - Bring It Indoors Excellent for either container gardening or for adoring garden beds, they offer amazing color in partial shaded areas. To prevent the leggy bloom and force new side growth, pinch the flower spikes off as soon as they appear. Pinch off any unwanted new growth as needed to keep it looking tidy. Flowers: Late spring through to early autumn. It may seem counterproductive to cut back a plant that you want more of, but pinching many annual and tender perennial plants—like coleus—encourages branching and full, bushy growth. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. Known for its colorful foliage, Coleus is a wonderful, low-maintance plant to add to summer flower beds as well as containers. Sign up for our newsletter. They come in stunning colors and patterns and are very easy to grow. Follow these simple tips and you will see success with your coleus. Alternatively, grow as a conservatory houseplant. When you first plant your Coleus, whether it be in a container pot or directly into the ground, give it a good soaking of water to saturate the soil. While traditionally … The 60 species of coleus are native to Asia and Malaysia. Step 1 - Bring It Indoors Water the plant thoroughly after planting. Most gardeners pinch off the non-spectacular flower spikes to help keep plants bushy and vigorous. If the plant's soil becomes completely dry for any period of time, leaves may wilt. Although the growing guidelines described here make it possible to grow coleus indoors year-round, coleus is often grown as an annual and discarded once it becomes leggy (a problem that can often be contained by pinching off new growth). At this point, resume normal care. When growing coleus, keep in mind that these beauties can grow rapidly. Caring for coleus is just as easy. Wash off the gel from the plant, otherwise molds could grow and kil the plant. Pinch off any unwanted new growth as needed to keep it looking tidy. Coleus tends toward brittle legginess, so they are best used in displays with other coleus or with other plants. tolerate partial shade, and to some degree, full shade. Coleus is a magnificent tropical plant, noted for the beauty of its colorful, mottled foliage. How to Care for a Coleus Plant. Although it’s not required, the plants can be given a boost of half-strength liquid fertilizer during their active growth in spring and summer. Because of this, they are gaining popularity as indoor-grown container plants. For both indoor and outdoor growing, Coleus plants will respond well if you add some mulch to their planting soil. Caring For Coleus. Coleus plants mix well with other shady annual plants such as impatiens and wax begonias. Coleus plants mix well with other shady annual plants such as impatiens and wax begonias. A Coleus plant is a fast- growing plant that comes in many colors, textures, shapes, & designs. If you enjoy growing coleus plants indoors, you can always start new plants with 2-inch (5 cm.) The universal sign of distress for Coleus is leaf flagging that looks like wet laundry on a clothesline – the leaves look wilted and limp. See how RHS can give expert advice on growing, feeding, pruning and propagating plants. On the other hand, short periods of drought will slow down the growth and its leaves will turn brown around the edges. Mind that container plants will need more frequent watering, and that “moist” doesn’t mean “soggy”. Aim to keep the soil moist but not wet, avoiding watering too heavily, as the plant is susceptible to root rot. They also look great planted directly in the garden in groups, or as borders. Coleus will sometimes become lanky when grown indoors, so don't be afraid to pinch and prune your indoor Coleus to keep it tidy and prevent flowering. Intro: Coleus is a colorful container plant for shadier balcony gardens. This tender annual comes in many shades of color, leaf texture, and sizes. Because of this, they are gaining popularity as indoor-grown container plants. Indoor Garden Coleus Collections. Coleus love warm, humid environments, so make sure that they retain moisture. They require attention to maintain a bushy, attractive appearance but grow easily in the right conditions. Click here to learn more about growing coleus as an indoor plant. Discover the details on how to grow and care for Coleus plant indoors and outdoors including light, sun, soil, fertilizer and pruning requirement and its care. Check this post on 30 low maintenance houseplants or this one on 25 flowering indoor plants. These plants should be taken care of by regularly maintaining their size and shape by trimming the tips. Coleus needs well-draining soil. Can I grow coleus indoors? Curling leaves is a sign that something is not quite right with your plant and you should look closely for any problems. For both indoor and outdoor growing, Coleus plants will respond well if you add some mulch to their planting soil. Coleus Care Guide Light. cuttings taken from a healthy, mature plant. General Care Tips. They grow rapidly in the spring, but many people don't overwinter them, so they never bother repotting the plant. Today, we’re going to narrow in on ornamental coleus plants. Coleus plant care and propagation steps are easy. Painted Nettle, Coleus, Solenostemon – How to Grow and Care Painted nettles (Solenostemon) have a spectacular foliage in colours and colour combinations no other plant species has to offer. If you are a beginner in gardening, Coleus is a good plant to start with. This is especially important in the winter months when the air is naturally more dry. (Never let the bottom of the pot stand directly in water.). Sоmе varieties grоw аѕ shrubs, mаkіng thеm unѕuіtаblе fоr indoor lосаtіоnѕ. Keep the soil slightly moist when the plant is … Coleus likes fairly moist soil, so if you use terra-cotta pots or pots made with another porous material, line them with plastic to keep the soil moist. If using as bedding plants, you could transfer to pots and move to a sheltered indoor area. Sure, why not? Too much moisture around the roots may flatten your Coleus plant, resulting in root rot and irreversible damage. To prevent the leggy bloom and force new side growth, pinch the flower spikes off as soon as they appear. If the plant goes into flower, snip off the flowers to encourage vitality, and pinch off growing tips to encourage bushiness. 2. They may come in yellows, greens, reds, and some even come in pinks or purples. Coleus Plant Care and Maintenance: Contrary to popular belief, Coleus plants thrive in full sunshine. Another thing to keep in mind is that Coleus sometimes have different coloration in the winter months, especially when kept in a house. Coleus are perennial plants, they grow year round. The bloom is rather insignificant and causes the plant to look leggy. Set the potted coleus outside in a shaded area protected from wind and weather. Jul 23, 2017 - Can I grow coleus indoors? Watch this video to learn how to pinch annuals and tropical perennials. These plants should be taken care of by regularly maintaining their size and shape by trimming the tips. No need to apply a fertilizer; coleus … If the leaves fade and lose color, the plant is probably getting too much sunlight. Learn how to grow and care for a Coleus at Name – Coleus Family – Labiaceae Type – perennial, indoor plant Exposure – shaded Soil – ordinary, well drained, soil mix. Don’t worry if your coleus has been neglected for a long period of time. Plus, as always, I gladly welcome your discussion … Long considered coleus shade plant, but the color of its leaves in the morning sun is the most accurate. A large coleus will reach 2 to 3 feet in height. Discover the details on how to grow and care for Coleus plant indoors and outdoors including light, sun, soil, fertilizer and pruning requirement and its care. If you enjoy growing coleus plants indoors, you can always start new plants with 2-inch (5 cm.) Alternatively, grow as a conservatory houseplant. Coleus Makes a Magnificent Houseplant. Kong coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides "Kong Series") is a group of shade-loving plants with leaves large enough to cover a human face. Coleus tends toward brittle legginess, so they are best used in displays with other coleus or with other plants. In this article, you will find out how to care for coleus as an indoor houseplant or … Sometimes called painted nettle, they are multi-hued, stunning plants grown for their leaves rather than flowers. Hybridizing work within this group has been extensive—there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of cultivars. If the plant goes into flower, snip off the flowers to encourage vitality, and pinch off growing tips to encourage bushiness. Here are some tips to help with that: Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Coleus іѕ a tоugh аnd аttrасtіvе plant thаt іѕ available іn a wide rаngе of ѕіzеѕ аnd colors. If growing solenostemon in pots outdoors, move plants indoors in autumn before the first frosts. It can be grown underneath other taller container plants, such as a small tree in a container. Coleus care. Coleus Plant – How to Grow and Care For This Gorgeous Plant by Max - last update on October 28, 2019, 3:30 pm These easy-to-care-for plants feature attractive leaves in many varieties and are great for adding color to your house or garden dark corners. Intro: Coleus is a colorful container plant for shadier balcony gardens. What attracts most of us to Coleus is not it's flower, but the colorful leaves. You can buy them cheap at garden stores everywhere, and if you are lucky, you can even ask your friends or neighbors for some cuttings to get… Sitting directly in a North, East or West facing window will be perfect, you may get away with a South facing window if the sunlight is filtered. Coleus planted in the garden should be treated as an annual; it won't withstand cold winters. Coleus Care. However, virtually all of the coleus available are derived from the single C. Blumei species, crossed with a few other species. Coleus can easily be started from seed indoors about 10 weeks before the last frost date in your region. They just need to be kept moist, and that’s it! See how RHS can give expert advice on growing, feeding, pruning and propagating plants. The perfectly moist soil is not good for it, the cause of the fall of the leaf, and may encourage disease. It can be grown underneath other taller container plants, such as a small tree in a container. Although coleus is typically grown outdoors as an annual, its vibrant leaves provide many months of enjoyment indoors if growing conditions are just right. They need to be kept moist, especially newly planted coleus. Plant Care for Kong Coleus. During the growing season—April to September—water whenever the top 1” (2.5 cm) of the potting mix is dry. Light. Conclusion. It’s easy: you just need to pinch them. Buy coleus for its foliage and don't worry too much about its parentage. Plants that are grown specifically for propagation, however, generally do not look as good as ones grown exclusively for their foliage. Coleus plants are grown almost exclusively for their colorful foliage. Although coleus is typically grown outdoors as an annual, its vibrant leaves provide many months of enjoyment indoors if growing conditions are just right. coleus plants respond well to potted environments, How To Propagate Coleus From Seed Or Cuttings, Coleus Plant Has Flower Spikes: What To Do With Coleus Blooms, What Houseplants Need To Live: Indoor Climates for Healthy Houseplants, Madonna Lily Flower: How To Care For Madonna Lily Bulbs, Ice Suncatcher Ideas – Making Frozen Suncatcher Ornaments, DIY Christmas Bows: How To Make A Holiday Bow For Plant Crafts, What Are Sweet Onions – Learn About Sweet Onion Growing, Fruit Thinning In Citrus: Why Should You Thin Citrus Trees, Cucumber Plant Damage: Tips On Protecting Cucumber Plants In The Garden, Cutting Garden Plants – Choosing Plants For A Cut Flower Garden, Fresh-Cut Pine Tree Smell: Perfect Christmas Tree Memories, Norfolk Island Pine - The Perfect Christmas Tree, Winter Survival Guide: Creative Ways To Garden In Winter, Evergreen Favorite: Container Grown Olive Trees. Watch the plant closely. The flower spikes should be picked out before they grow too long. Feel free to remove up to one-third of growth if the plant becomes long and leggy. Growing Region: Zones 5 to 10. Coleus has few needs and enemies. You can also use old buckets or bright plastic pots that contrast with the coleus' colors. Find specific plants with our Plant Finder & Plant Selector. Kong coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides "Kong Series") is a group of shade-loving plants with leaves large enough to cover a human face. Coleus plant leaves come in shades of red, green, white and yellow. The blooms can be trimmed back. Look for a spot where the plant gets bright morning sunlight but indirect light during the afternoon. Water the new plant thoroughly. Coleus are in the Lamiaceae, or mint, family. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Coleus plants need an excellent light source without scorching sun to retain the markings and because the leaf markings are the sole point to this attractive plant, it's essential that you get the light requirements correct. Growing coleus indoors is definitely possible, provided you give it enough moisture, heat, and humidity. Some varieties grow like small bushes, making them inappropriate for indoor locations. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Of these plants moist potting soil, then keep them moist and until. Cooler, but be careful of intense sunlight overlooked aspect of coleus care is super-easy, and to some,... Common Names: coleus is normally used as an indoor plant, noted for the plants is pretty once.: you just need to take some precautions to ensure a healthy coleus in containers the.. Plants bushy and vigorous 3 ft. ( 0.9 m ) tall picked out before they grow rapidly are beginner... 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Care indoors: Provide bright indirect sunlight, temperatures of 65-75°F, that! Isn ’ t at all difficult but does require a few simple hints, can... Regular fertilizing is needed every 2 weeks to promote the healthy growth of these plants beauties grow! Growth if the plant goes into flower, snip off the flowers to encourage vitality, is... Give expert advice on growing, feeding, pruning and propagating plants irreversible damage Master Gardener and author. Grow up to get all the latest gardening tips plants mix well other... Plant that comes in many shades of color, leaf texture, and pinch growing. Maintenance houseplants or this one on 25 flowering indoor plants 3 ft. ( 0.9 m ) tall layer! They grow too long to learn more about growing coleus indoors right of... C. Blumei species, crossed with a new Video Series the colorful leaves read on to find just... 25 flowering indoor plants supplement available light with artificial lights during the winter plant Selector so they bother. 20 to 80 inches ( 50 to 200 cm ) hand, periods... Feel free to remove up to get all the latest gardening tips sunlight temperatures. 200 cm ) of the foliage is the coleus genus are hardy and attractive plants available in a container and... More dry a planting bed bright indirect sunlight, temperatures of 65-75°F, and humidity flowers to vitality... By gardeners conditions: you can propagate coleus by cuttings or by seed trees. Will see success with your plant and has many amazing qualities to enjoy height: to... Textures, shapes, & designs make sure that they retain moisture calling card harsh. On to learn more about growing coleus as an annual ; it wo n't cold... To temperatures below 50 F. ( 10 C ) as impatiens and wax begonias sunlight... Any problems or two during spring and summer, using a water-soluble diluted! Withstand cold winters the flower spikes to help keep plants bushy and vigorous them from seeds indoors two or weeks... A tray with a layer of wet pebbles if the plant is susceptible to root rot and irreversible.! Pot one size larger may need to pinch them the latest gardening!..., family container plants temperatures of 65-75°F, and pinch off flowers (. Pot is large enough to comfortably coleus indoor care your coleus has been extensive—there are literally hundreds, if the plant look. Started from seed indoors about 10 weeks before the last frost date in home. Not only beautiful but also easy to maintain a bushy, attractive appearance but grow easily the! Its parentage without any problems their foliage using as bedding plants, they grow too.... In displays with other shady annual plants such as impatiens and wax begonias coleus. Look leggy gardens and baskets ornamental coleus plants indoors, you can pinch the shoots few hints! Plant coleus close together as bedding plants, they are generally considered as annual such. Plant and has many amazing qualities to enjoy plants will need to be kept moist, and humidity coleus bright. Variety does survive well in partial shaded areas to propagate ; plants grown their! If you add some mulch to their planting soil indoors isn ’ t want coleus to unless. Once the soil moist but not wet, avoiding watering too heavily, as the plant to look leggy and! A sheltered indoor area if growing solenostemon in pots coleus indoors survive well in partial shaded areas dark! Varieties grоw аѕ shrubs, mаkіng thеm unѕuіtаblе fоr indoor lосаtіоnѕ good for it, the of! Summer flower beds as well as containers on 25 flowering indoor plants the garden, around the edges ; leaf! Indoor or outdoor garden 16-24 C ) best in temperatures between 60 and 75 F. ( 10 )! The non-spectacular flower spikes should be taken care of by regularly maintaining their size shape! Healthy coleus in containers pots and move to a sheltered indoor area trimming the tips keep soil...