by the Punjab Courts Act, 1884 (18 of 1884), s.71, as amended by the Punjab Courts Act, 1899 (25 of 1899), s.6, Article 13 was rep. in the Punjab by s.5 of the Punjab courts (Amendment) Act, 1912 (Punjab Act 1 of 1912); but it has since been received in this form by the Court-fees (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1922 (Punjab Act 7 of 1922) Application to the (Note: Subs. Except in the Courts hereinbefore mentioned, no document of any of the kinds specified as chargeable in the First or Second Schedule to this Act annexed shall be filed, exhibited or recorded in any Court of Justice, or shall be received or furnished by any public officer, unless in respect of such document there be paid a fee of an amount not less than that indicated by either of the said Schedules as the proper fee for such document. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Offender levy. 7. The probate of the will, or the letters of administration of the effects, of any person deceased heretofore or hereafter granted shall be deemed valid and available by his executors or administrators for recovering, transferring or assigning any moveable or immovable property whereof or whereto the deceased was possessed or entitled, either wholly or partially as a trustee, notwithstanding the amount or value of such property is not included in the amount or value of the estate in respect of which a court-fee was paid on such probate or letters of administration. “Civil trials” concern the judicial resolution of claims by one individual or group against another and are to be distinguished from “criminal trials,” in which the state prosecutes an individual for violation of criminal law. Copy of decree or order having the force of a decree. Whenever (Note: The word “such” rep. by Act 12 of 1891, s.2 and Sch.I) a grant of probate or letters of administration has been or is made in respect of the whole of the property belonging to an estate, and the full fee chargeable under this Act has been or is paid thereon, no fee shall be chargeable under the same Act when a like grant is made in respect of the whole or any part of the same property belonging to the same estate. It is to be observed that an award in such cases is liable to be set aside by a judgment passed in regard to the same matter in a regular suit; hence it appears more equitable to treat these summary suits as miscellaneous applications and to subject them to a similar fixed institution fee. Subject to rules to be framed by the Chief Controlling Revenue-authority and approved by the State Government, (Note: The words “and the governor General of India in Council,” omitted by Act 38 of 1920, s.2 and Sch.I, Pt. ;@�*�vS�`�UC�aSF���S)Fi����3��cn�E���\v����״L ��"H.�b����OY躱��@y\��Cl�����o�wA�C�cY�_ G�"|ƷǯͶ6��Y0�WnKes��P�}�kߝ6V�.Q{g�q�ℛ1�|�hZ&(��E���]�+�%��S=��/����T��͡�E�V��A{Y���� ����Y!b�*r!Vr�a����D�1ϯ�>J�a���ɜ�c�-�̎. (3) The Collector within the local limits of whose revenue-jurisdiction the property of the deceased or any part thereof is, may at any time inspect or cause to be inspected, and take or cause to be taken copies of, the record of any case in which application for probate or letters of administration has been made ; and if, on such inspection or otherwise, he is of opinion that the petitioner has under estimated the value of the property of the deceased, the Collector may, if he thinks fit, require the attendance of the petitioner (either in person or by agent) and take evidence and inquire into the matter in such manner as he may think fit, and, if he is still of opinion that the value of the property has been under-estimated, may require the petitioner to amend the valuation. But nothing in the former part of this section shall entitle the applicant to such certificate where the reversal or modification is due, wholly or in part, to fresh evidence which might have been produced at the original hearing. The clause in Act XXVI of 1867, exempting Advocates of a High Court from the obligation of presenting to any Court a written authority empowering them to Act in any case pending in such Court is excluded from the Bill. Bail-bond orother instrument of obligation given in pursuance of an order made by a Court of Magistrate under any section of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, or the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and not otherwise provided for by this Act]. Nothing in Chapters II and V of this Act applies to the Commission payable to the Accountant General of the High Court of Fort William, or to the fees which any officer of a High Court is allowed to receive in addition to a fixed salary. Rakesh Chandra Das vs Khan Bahadur Abdul Majid Choudhary AIR 1982 Gauhati 82. C.F.A is a fiscal enactment and was enforced on 1 st April 187. It has been held that in a suit for partition the share claimed by the plaintiff would determine the court fee and not he property as a whole. Sushila Thakur Dass – AIR 1983 ALL 90. It has been held that the question of court fee must be decided having regard to the averments made in the plaint itself and the contentions raised in the written statement or the final decision on merits cannot affect the same. Fees in the ACT Supreme Court. (Note: Cl. The fees chargeable for serving and executing processes issued by such Court in its appellate jurisdiction and by the other Civil and Revenue Courts established within the local limits of such jurisdiction; The fees chargeable for serving and executing processes issued by the Criminal Courts established within such limits in the case of offences other than offences for which police-officers any arrest without a warrant: and. Madan Mohan Sharma vs Uttam Singh Bagga - AIR 1985 J &K 87. 5. Application for reivew of judgment, if presented on or after the ninetieth day from the date of the decree. (Note: Article 10 omitted by Act 8 of 1890, s.2 and Sch.). Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. No document of any of the kinds specified in the First or Second Schedule to this Act annexed, as chargeable with fees, shall be filed, exhibited or recorded in, or shall be received or furnished by, any of the said High Courts in any case coming before such Courts in the exercise of its extraordinary original civil jurisdiction ; or in the exercise of its extraordinary original criminal jurisdiction ; In their appellate jurisdiction ; – or in the exercise of its jurisdiction as regards appeals from the [(Note: Subs. When such decree or order is made a High Court. Lastly, that for the future there may be no confusion between stamp-revenue proper and the revenue derived from what have heretofore been termed judicial stamps the proceeds of the proposed enactment are to be designated Court-fees, and the Bill is entitled accordingly.”, The Bill was passed and it got its assent on 11th March, 1870 and became an Act under short title and numbers THE COURT FEES’ ACT, 1870 (7 OF 1870). Mysore and Rajasthan]. �R�\�� Di7H�ǒ8dК��Y��#��jɿ���5���e�g����ʘ���Z�V2?+Y���'��{O����0U��0>aX� �IHî�G�� i�K\P�.�,�ėr�� Bail-bonds in criminal cases, recognizance’s to prosecute or give evidence, and recognizance’s for personal appearance or otherwise. When such amount or value exceeds ten thousand rupees, for every five hundred rupees, or part thereof, in excess of ten thousand rupees, up to twenty thousand. 13 of Letters Patent Court fee cannot be refunded. Petition in a suit under the Native Converts Marriage Dissolution Act, 1866. – or in the exercise of its jurisdiction as a Court of reference or revision’. Two per centum on the amount or value of any debt or security specified in the certificate under section 8 of the Act, and three per centum on the amount or value of any debt or security to which the certificate is extended under section 10 of the Act. It has been held that in a single suit for recovery filed by a Bank against the defendant borrower pertaining to separate accounts in its different branches court fee has to be paid on each of the accounts separately. Plaint, [(Note: Ins. by Act 14 of 1911, s.2) Application to any Civil Court that records may be called for from another Court. Netramani Dibya vs Dasarthi Misra – AIR 1986 Orissa 235. 7. The constitution of such Courts is peculiar; they form no part of the regular machinery employed in the general administration of justice, the present measure therefore is inapplicable to them. Subject to rules to be made by the High Court and approved by the State Government (Note: The words “and the Governor General of India in Council” omitted by s.2 and Sch.I. vs Chandra Bhushan Misra – AIR 1980 SC 591. Members are elected for a term of 5 years. For the purpose of discussion, Section 7 of the Court Fees Act is reproduced herein below: (A) “7. by Act 15 of 1872, s.2, for the original clause.) All fees referred to in section 3 or chargeable under this Act shall be collected by stamps. (Note: Articles 8 and 9 omitted by Act 12 of 1891, s.2 and Sch.I), 11. (2) The grant of probate or letters of administration shall not be delayed by reason of any motion made by the Collector under section 19H, sub-section (4). n�.ɂ�8��;����[�v�����s��޾"�$��%r|��h������P�4�ʴ�y�œ�� The want of some fixed valuation applicable to certain classes on suits, as for example, suits instituted between landlord and tenant to recover a right of occupancy or enforce adjustment, or suits for maintenance or for an annuity the subject-matter of which though not absolutely indeterminable, is certainly not susceptible of ready determination, has given rise to much uncertainty and variety in the procedure adopted by the several Courts in such cases; and the amendment of the existing law in this respect is felt to be urgently called for. And delivers to such Authority a particular inventory and valuation of the property of the deceased, verified by affidavit or affirmation. 1. %���� In lieu of the existing rates of process-fees, which vary according to the distance of the Court by which the processes are issued from the place where they are to be served or executed, it is proposed to levy, by means of stamps, a uniform rate in all cases. 3 0 obj How To Be Successful In Law. The abolition of refunds is justified by the consideration that for all practical purposes in the majority of cases, the plaintiff, whose suit has not gone beyond the stage at which under the present law he is entitled to recover a moiety of the institution fee, has gained as much through the Court’s agency as the suitor whose case has proceeded to a decision, and that, therefore, on the principle on which all Court-fees are adjusted, the former should contribute in equal proportion with the latter to the maintenance of the Courts from whose action both derive an equal benefit. Rep. by the Amending Act, 1891 (12 of 1891), s.2 and Sch. No document requiring a stamp under this Act shall be filed or acted upon in any proceeding in any Court or office until the stamp has been cancelled. (Note: Cl. Extent of Act. Bank of India vs Vinod Kumar Bhalla – AIR 1988 Delhi 79. Pamban Kayakkal Vatsalam vs Pamban Kayakkal Kanmudi – AIR 1982 KER 304. (a) To any Civil or Criminal Court other than a High Court, or to any Revenue Court, or to any Collector or Magistrate, or other executive officer except such as are mentioned in clauses (b) and (c) of this number; (b) To a Commissioner of Revenue, Circuit or Customs, or to any officer charged with the executive administration of a Division, not being the Chief Revenue or Executive Authority. For other moveable property having a market-value:- In suits for moveable property other than money, where the subject-matter of the suit, and such value shall be deemed to be ten times the amount claimed to be payable for one year ; For moveable property of no market-value:- for moveable property where the subject-matter has no market-value, as, for instance, in the case of documents relating to title. II, for “Bombay Act No. In general the court fee has to be decided on the basis of the subject matter of the suit and the appeal arising therefrom. Introduction. by Act 12 of 1891, s.2 and Sch.II, for “Act No.14 of 1859 (to provide for the limitation of suits), section 15.”) the Specific Relief Act, 1877 (Note: See now the Specific Relief Act, 1963 (47 of 1963), section 9]. 1A. [(Note: Subs. PRELIMINARY. by Act 12 of 1891, s.2 and Sch. Siya Saran Singh vs Jamuna Devi – AIR 1987 PAT I. Where any such document is amended in order merely to correct a mistake and to make it conform to the original intention of the parties, is shall not be necessary to impose a fresh stamp. 1937, for “L.G.”)] Appropriate Government] may, from time to time, make rules for regulating –. And if such Authority is satisfied that a greater fee was paid on the probate or letters than the law required. <> It is improper to decline granting of relief if requisite court fee was not fixed thereupon. 8. When you register online and request any additional services, you must enter a credit card to pay those fees before submitting your registration. For the delivery by a tenant of the counterpart of lease. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPc), How to lodge grievances Under Income Tax Act – Process to submit grievances by e-Nivaran Form, Legal Remedies for Buyers if Possession of Flat/Apartment is delayed by the Builders, Tips for handling disputes between landlords and tenants, Rental Issues During COVID-19 and the possible solutions to that, SC seeks Centre’s response on PIL illuminating black marketing of medical essentials, Kerala HC Advocates Association Launches Junior Lawyers’ Scheme 2020 to help Junior Lawyers, Government brought in an ordinance which provides extension of various time limits under the Taxation and Benami Acts, Gujarat HC denies bail to Asaram who pleaded easy vulnerability to COVID-19 due to old age, Divorce by Mutual Consent in India- Step by Step Procedure, Dishonour of Cheque – Section 138 of the Negotiable instruments Act. Act 12 of 1891, s.2, for “ plaint or memorandum of appeal in of! 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