Later when Towa and Mira appear while the Future Warrior is fighting with Turles and Lord Slug, Trunks arrives to aid the current him and tells his partner, the Toki Toki City Hero to go after Mira. He later attempts to save Vegeta when the latter is about to be slammed down into the ground by Super Android 13, only to be blasted away. LuisLoco Maxy. He and the others barely manage to escape from New Planet Vegeta's destruction from Comet Camori. While watching Gogeta in action, Hearts summons a powerful God Meteor. May 16: Episodes 148-166 (Cell absorbs the androids and defeats Piccolo, 16, Tien, Krillin, Vegeta, and Trunks) May 17: Episodes 167-169 (Cell announces Cell Games, Goku and Gohan exit the Hyperbolic Time Chamber) May 18: Episodes 170-171 (The episode with Lime and … The three fire a combined Kamehameha at the Bio-Android, who then attempts to escape, but Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks and defeat Cell with one attack. Damn you! After reuniting with his mother, Bulma, Trunks hears a news update on the location of the androids and he quickly powers up into his Super Saiyan form, now greatly augmented by his two years of training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. After Future Trunks sees Gohan playing with Pan, he has a vision of how his future would've been if Black hadn't shown up, and realizes the reason why he has to fight Black; in order to allow the people of his future to live happily like Gohan and his family, and is finally able to lighten up after the traumatic events he witnessed. Piccolo replies that he cannot wear the same costumes as Saiyans or Frieza and his men. Removing his sword from his sheathe and transforming into a Super Saiyan, he engages them in battle. Bulma attempts to move in to stop Vegeta but Goku stops her and says it's not over yet. Future Trunks uses the Evil Containment Wave on Zamasu. Future Trunks attained this powerful transformation during his final confrontation with Goku Black and Future Zamasu, causing Trunks to awaken a new energy inside of him. Trunks believes that whatever hatched from the egg they found is causing the problems in Gingertown. This is the power of mortals fighting for each other. Next Later during the battle with the Ginyu Force, Trunks decides to follow Ginyu while the 2nd Future Warrior focuses on fighting the Dark Magic enhanced Ginyu Force and interference from Turles. Three times if one counts Time Patrol Trunks saving his mentor Future Gohan from dying in Age 780 in the, Trunks has fought with and defeated a version of every major villain from, Future Trunks holds the rank of "Commander" by Earth's Resistance in his timeline, and Time Patrol Trunks is referred to as both Captain and Commander of the Time Patrol in the. Trunks and the others watched on as Black and Future Zamasu fused using the Potara earrings. Chronoa tells him to hurry as this all seems wrong. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Second Grade) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Second Grade) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Second Grade) vs. He and Future Mai headed out shortly after and witnessed Zamasu lifting Bulma by her coat (the same way Black held Future Bulma). Weakened and desperate, Cell pumps himself up like a balloon to self destruct, threatening to take the Earth along with him in a final attempt to kill Gohan. Soon, Trunks arrives on the island where Vegeta confronts Cell. Future Trunks (未み来らいのトランクス, Mirai no Torankusu) is the Saiyan and Earthling hybrid son of Vegeta and Bulma from an alternate future. Vegeta and Trunks Depart!! Seeing this, Trunks decides to open the window, and does so. I always wondered the same about Vegeta and Trunks. When he ends up fighting just Android 14 alone, he continues to be on the losing end of the battle until he transforms into Super Saiyan. Trunks says he does not know, but Chi-Chi says not to worry, as his trip has saved Goku's life. Mira blast Trunks knocking him into the Future Warrior. — Trunks enraged as he learns the Androids are just killing people for amusement. Well, your time ran out today. Cell states that it was to kill Goku, but now he wants to test the limits of his perfect form and simply enjoy himself, mostly by causing utter terror for people of Earth. In the manga, during his early days of training, even as a Super Saiyan, Future Trunks was unable to defeat base Future Gohan. During the battle with Majin Buu in Age 774, Trunks witnesses his father's relapse into villainy as Majin Vegeta. Yamcha asks Trunks if he is sure that there is only one Time Machine, and Trunks replies that he is. After the Future Warrior fixes history and are celebrating their success, Chronoa informs them that Trunks has fully recovered and is awake. Future Trunks bows to his father and vows once again to not only defeat Black but to surpass him. He is even (though very rarely) shown to be cocky, such as when he became a Super Saiyan Third Grade, but when he loses his seeming "advantage" this cockiness dissolves instantly. When the fight ends, Black is sucked back into the future, but not before Black destroys the Time Machine. Spirit and Time room also called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber! Future Trunks did appreciate Kid Trunks' attempt to get him to persevere. He killed Frieza in the present timeline and the Androids in his own future timeline, who both killed Vegeta. However his rage eventually subsides and in his new state, Future Trunks is able to combat both Black and Future Zamasu at the same time. Enraged at the supposed death of Mai, Future Trunks powers up to a Super Saiyan 2 and fires a Masenko at Goku Black, who blocks it, but the force of the blast is enough to push Black outside of the Capsule Corporation building. The residents of a city on one of the islands panic, wondering what the terrible voice from the sky could be. Weight Undaunted, Vegeta declares that he will ascend beyond a Super Saiyan and defeat the androids himself before leaving. Chapter # Vegeta believes that Goku would rather die than win like that, and right now, he isn't even fighting for the Earth's sake. However, Goku halts Future Trunks' attack by grabbing his arm before the attack could land. When taking this form, Future Trunks' muscles swell, making his body several sizes larger than normal, and his power and speed are elevated beyond his previous Super Saiyan limits. Trunks says that he is going, as he must see the machine with his own eyes. Future Trunks tells them that Goku is not Black, and they inform him of Future Mai's survival, and they meet the rest of the other resistance and refugees that survived Black's assault (including Future Yajirobe). This episode starts out with Goku saying he is going to be stronger than a Super Saiyan. Android 18, Android 16 and Krillin all panic, and Cell flies toward them. Before he realizes where he is, he sees Android 18, mistakes her for her future counterpart, and attacks her. Vegeta announces that he's going to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again and Trunks decides to go with him. After returning to his time, Trunks was tearfully relieved when he found out that she was still alive. Address Future Trunks's allies fervently pray for his victory, causing him to unconsciously channel the energy of everyone who is still alive into a large ball of light. Trunks is at age 14 at the time. Future Trunks then meets his Present counterpart who is surprised to meet him before he goes to retrieve his sword, catching sight of present-day Mai in the process. With Vegeta's mind set on reaching the same seemingly unreachable goal, Goku takes him, Trunks and Gohan to the mysterious Hyperbolic Time Chamber, a room where one year is equivalent to that of one Earth day. Trunks confirms this, but says that they should destroy the Present Cell in this timeline to prevent another Cell from appearing. Future Trunks channels it into his sword to create the Sword of Hope which allows him to destroy Grotesque Zamasu with his Final Hope Slash like in the original timeline. While Bulma and Vegeta are standing over the beaten Future Trunks, Mai, Shu and Pilaf discuss that Trunks may have a long-lost brother because they both look so similar. Yamcha thinks this is a good plan, but Krillin asks if he can get back to the future after going further into the past, as the Time Machine takes a long time to charge up. Future Trunks and the others head to look for Vegeta, who has been possessed, and they follow the largest evil energy signature they can find, but come across Frieza instead. It is another form he gained while training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and he utilizes this state while fighting the recently completed Perfect Cell. The second time Trunks saved Goku, he wasn't aware he saved him when he retreated to the past to get help from Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan to fight Goku Black. Future Trunks then easily remains unscathed and performs what he calls the Burning Attack to have Frieza dodge the blast, which is followed up by his Shining Sword Attack. The time chamber went mostly unused after that point until the Cell Saga in DBZ where it saw most of its uses in the series. Future Trunks is snapped out of his trance and learns that Goku was revived long after he returned to future. Outside on a swing, Future Trunks felt hopeless and depressed about any chances of saving his timeline, until his younger version tried to snap him out of it by sparring (the match was completely off-screen). When Broly transformed into his Legendary Super Saiyan form, Future Trunks is amazed by his fearsome power but snaps back to reality when he attacks. Trunks: Xeno retains his original lavender hair color. Goku Black grabs Trunks' sword and prepares to finish him off, but, after remembering the final words of Future Mai and Future Bulma, Trunks distracts Goku Black by hitting him with his sword's sheath, then transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 once again to fire a large ki blast on the ground, propelling himself upward and creating a huge cloud of smoke. Using data collected during her trip their she develops the Hero Colosseum and Hero Figures for the Time Patrol as a fun game. Trunks begins powering up, transforming into his Super Saiyan Third Grade form, which distracts Cell's attention from finishing off Vegeta. Trunks is the second to last person to have his power level stated with the use of a scouter, being only 5 because he suppressed his true power to avoid detection and mislead Frieza and King Cold. June 8th, 2019 at 5:40PM. The completely unscathed Trunks returns home since everything now seems at peace with the Earth, except he knows one thing remains: Cell who is likely around in his world. 16) Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks amplified by the resistance's energy. Tien decides to leave, since Chiaotzu is likely worried about him. Now fully engulfed in an aura of light energy, Future Trunks shatters Fused Zamasu's own ki blade before stabbing the formerly immortal god. Together with Goku's assistance, the Future Warrior manages to defeat the villains, though they are soon confronted by a possessed Vegeta, Gohan, and Gotenks, though they manage to free them. Future Trunks becomes enraged by Black's appearance in the past and he is ready to fight but is stopped by Vegeta. The androids of this timeline prove to be considerably stronger than the ones Trunks had fought, to the point where Android 18 is able to even easily take down Super Saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan Trunks together. July 14, 2004 All seven warriors arrive at the Cell Games arena, and are joined by the already present Vegeta and Android 16. Future Trunks is shocked to see that Black has Future Bulma. Afterwards, Gohan gives an awestruck Trunks the bag of Senzu Beans to treat to the fallen Z Fighters and heal their wounds while he faces Cell. Bulma revealed that before Future Trunks went back to the future after Cell's defeat he gave that capsule to Bulma, and Bulma placed it away and forgot about it over the years. Mai steps in firing shots at Black, telling Trunks that he is the one who needs to survive. Also, in killing Frieza he avenged the deaths of his. Frieza, cut in half, was defeated by having his body hacked to pieces and Future Trunks then followed up with an energy blast, and was soon followed by his arrogant father King Cold, who was killed by a God Breaker. First he appears in flashback when he is shown killing Mecha Frieza, when Sorbet is about to revive Frieza. Future Trunks clearly fears the Androids, panicking at the introduction of Android 16. Check this Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (DBZ Kakarot) walkthrough on Andoird Saga Episode 5. Trunks asks what are they supposed to do, be quiet and watch. Due to living in such a bleak and dangerous future, Future Trunks is very different than his present time counterpart. In Dragon Ball Super, Trunks' clothes change somewhat from the outfit he initially wore; he wears a periwinkle-colored jacket that reaches his waist with the Capsule Corporation logo on the left sleeve, with a long red scarf around his neck, dark gray pants, and pale-green boots with black tips. Trunks is a slim yet well-built young man of below average height and light skin-color; his facial features and skin-tone are inherited from his father. Future Trunks apologizes from keeping the rest of the Dragon Team waiting. In the manga, Future Trunks does not utilize this form, and instead further empowered his strengthened Super Saiyan 2 form, first through training with Vegeta, and then through rage, allowing him to hold off Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black on multiple occasions. Luckily, Vegeta and Trunks have stepped out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, gaining immense power. In his childhood, he wore a white shirt with blue long sleeves and the Capsule Corporation title on the chest along with grey sweatpants and blue boots. Trunks takes action by grabbing Cell's tail and swinging him around in a circle, building up momentum, and then hurling him high into the air. As he was fighting him, Dabura spits on the Z Sword, and as it was being turned into stone, Shin demanded Trunks to release the sword. Eventually Future Trunks in Ginyu's body joins the fight against Ginyu and Jeice. They were supposed to have come out several episodes ago, but for some reason they ran late. While Black is blinded, Future Trunks and Future Mai quickly escaped. Future Trunks sobbing over the death of his mother. In the Epilogue, Trunks: Xeno believes he is stronger than the two Future Warriors as he is more experienced and has been a Time Patroller longer than either of them but Old Kai refutes his boosting noting that being more experienced wouldn't necessarily make him the better fighter. Trunks next task is fixing the altered history with Janemba and goes to Hell where he is confronted by Dark Super Janemba and a mysterious Masked Saiyan but their power is too much for him. As the two fight with Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Future Trunks joins in the fight, but the two are eventually defeated, after it is revealed Future Zamasu is immortal. Another example is when Trunks turns into Super Saiyan Third Grade to cause Vegeta to drop his guard and attack and when Vegeta gets close he powers up to Super Saiyan 2 and was able fight evenly with him for a time while Vegeta was taken aback by the change. Vegeta is quickly able to regain the upper hand and begins to attack, with Trunks able to hold his own for a time but is eventually kicked through the forest and into a cliff as Goku and Bulma arrive via Instant Transmission. Bulma confirms with Trunks that the man inside is someone who looks exactly like him, as she orders Goku to go get a Senzu Bean, which he does. Future Trunks has a younger counterpart mentioned in. The reporter goes on to say that the residents seemed to have been fighting something off. With the Time Machine destroyed, Future Trunks is stranded in the past with no way back to his timeline. "If you call it a sin, then I don't care." Shenron denies the wish, saying it is beyond his power. Future Trunks is surprised to hear that the fuel needed for his Time Machine is the same fuel Bulma is currently developing, and that it would take a whole day to create enough to travel through time, claiming that it took nearly half of a year to fill up half a tank in the future. As such, he is usually surprised at events (on a different layer than the fact that history was different from his recollection). By the time they arrive, they fall unconscious. They had come to Earth in order to seek revenge upon Goku's loved ones, and to kill Goku himself. All those people! In Xenoverse, it is revealed that he became Chronoa's assistant after she confronted him about his crime of using his mother's Time Machine to change history, though Chronoa reveals to the Future Warrior that it wasn't a crime at that point as Trunks' use of the Time Machine was the first time distortion in the history of Universe 7 and that she really needed an assistant so she tricked Trunks into working for her by claiming it was to atone for his sin of using the Time Machine, but she didn't realize that Trunks would take her words so seriously and as a result tells the Warrior to keep it a secret from Trunks as he has proven himself to be a hard worker. Trunks begs Beerus for forgiveness and he lets it slide after Bulma gives him delicious food. Counterparts When Future Trunks and Kid Trunks meet Yamcha and the time displaced Teen Gohan, Future Trunks and Teen Gohan have a friendly fight. They entered a 2nd time before the cell games but I never noticed any improvements because the cell jr.'s pretty much dominated them. Future Trunks is a major character in the story of Xenoverse, he works for Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time, as her assistant and the head of the Time Patrol, he and the Time Patrol are based in Toki Toki City (in Age 850) which houses the Time Storage Vault. I won't let you do this anymore!" Later, Goku returns to The Lookout with a young Namekian named Dende, who is chosen to become Earth's new Guardian. "The Coming of King Cold" Future Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta rushed to stop him, but to no avail, and the mad Kaioshin unleashes an onslaught of energy beams from the sky to kill all the remaining Earthlings, with only Future Trunks, Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Future Mai, Shin, and Gowasu left. Future Trunks, Kid Trunks, and Goten meet with the others and summon Shenron. 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